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The Language of Song Elementary Low Voice
The Language of Song: Elementary (Low Voice) is part of the successful series by Heidi Pegler and Nicola-Jane Kemp. The ability to sing in foreign languages is a much-needed skill for singers, but few vocal training resources tackle this aspect comprehensively in one book. With this in mind, ABRSM examiners and professional singers Heidi and Nicola-Jane have written a graded series of songbooks that provide classic song repertoire, carefully selected to develop the vital skills required to sing in a foreign language.<?xml:namespace prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"?></o:p>
An invaluable resource for all singing students and teachers, each song gives both a literal and poetic translation of each text, a detailed pronunciation guide using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) guide and background information on the songs as well as technical and musical teaching points. The accompanying CD provides the text for each song spoken by a native speaker - expert language consultants who specialise in coaching singers - as well as a recording of each song accompaniment by international pianist John Lenehan.</o:p>
Not just ideal for those taking graded singing exams, these are invaluable for singers of any age exploring international song repertoire up to university and college level.</o:p>
Learn to sing this wonderful foreign language repertoire confidently and effectively and celebrate the Language of Song!</o:p>
This collection focuses on songs in Italian and German, with some French.</o:p>
The Language of Song series was voted 'Best Educational Publication' at the 2007 Music Industries Association Awards. </o:p>
**ABRSM selected pieces (Singing from 2009):</o:p>
Kinderwacht (Children’s Vigil/Little Children) (Schumann); </o:p>
Santa Lucia (Trad. Italian/T. Cottrau)</o:p>
Gruss (Greeting) (Mendelssohn)</o:p>
Heidenröslein (The Wild Rose) (Schubert)</o:p>
Caro mio ben (Dearest and best/Ah dearest love) (Giordani)</o:p>
Non lo dirò col labbro (Handel)</o:p>
Bois épais (Cast your shade/Sombre Woods) (Lully)</o:p>
Chevaliers de la table ronde (Let us all gather round the table) (Trad. French)</o:p>
An die Laute (To the Lute) (Schubert)</o:p>
Nina (Anon. Italian (attrib. Pergolesi))</o:p>
Alma del core: from La Costanza in amor vince l’inganno (Caldara)</o:p>
Dein blaues Auge (Brahms)</o:p>
Sonntag (Brahms)</o:p>
En prière (Faure)</o:p>
Sebben, crudele: from La costanza in amor vince l’inganno (Caldara)</o:p>
Wiegenlied (Brahms)</o:p>
Specific References